How to Unlock All Relics in Cult of the Lamb
Learn where to find all the relics to get your Steam achievement. Relic descriptions and examples of how to use them are included.
Updated by Single Player in Cult of the Lamb
About Relics
Relics in Cult of the Lamb are special artifacts with various effects. Some relics are similar to Curses and inflict significant magic damage. Others enhance the player, increasing his damage, speed, or even size. There are relics that add orbs around the lamb, and some summon demons to assist in the remaining crusade battles. Relics are a pleasant bonus that will undoubtedly come in handy in many battles.
Obtaining relics is similar to getting tarot cards and weapons - you can find them as a reward after a room battle or purchase them from a merchant. Fragile relics can be used only once, while others can be used indefinitely, on cooldown.
In this guide, I will tell you how to find all 37 relics to get an achievement on Steam. Also presented is a brief overview of each relic, rank, and examples of use in practice.
Starting Relics
The first 13 relics will be unlocked after your first encounter with the mad owl named Chemach. For those who choose the Quick Start option, these relics are available from the very first crusade.

Temple Relics
The Temple’s sermons upgrade tree, which increases the level of weapons and curses, also offers several enhancements for relics. They are located in the right branch.
The first relic upgrade, Eyes of the Lost Relics, unlocks 3 fragile relics. They add orbiting eyes around the Lamb, damaging or weakening enemies on contact.
The next two enhancements, Blessings of the Relics and Damnation of the Relics, unlock 5 relics of the corresponding type each.
In total, you unlock 13 relics in the Temple.
Traders Relics
In your search for the next 2 relics, you will be assisted by traders whom you frequently encounter on crusades.
Tarot Card dealer Clauneck gives the first clue upon entering his room:

Thus, you can pick up Clauneck's Shoe behind the Lighthouse in Pilgrim's Passage:

The second hint is given by the weaponsmith Kudaai:

The great beastie mentioned by Kyday is the fish-ship in Smuggler's Sanctuary. Tickle it and take Kudaii's Fingernail.

By the way, waiting for hints from merchants is not required: both relics are available in the specified locations immediately after unlocking the initial 13 relics.
Secret Relics
Beak of the Fowler is easily caught while fishing, as the chance of catching it is quite high.
To obtain the Transmogricon, you will need to kill some innocent critter during a crusade. Whether it's squirrels or birds, keep slaughtering, and sooner or later this relic will be yours.
If you decide to forego traditional funeral rites and instead send five of your followers to be butchered, you'll be rewarded with Warracka's Right Fist. This, of course, might raise a few eyebrows among your remaining followers, so it's best to engage in such activities discreetly.
If you can’t wait for someone to die a natural death, you can always take matters into your own hands. Just remember, it’s best to do this under the cover of night, to avoid shaking the faith in your holy essence.
Boss Relics
After you defeat all the bosses and thus complete the main plot of Cult of the Lamb, you will encounter a mystic seller named ???.

All four dungeons become available for replay and you will face enhanced Bishops in each of them. By defeating each of them, you can accept them into your cult as followers.
The first thing these new followers will ask you to do is to visit their dungeons and find a certain item there. This item is located in a room marked with a question mark. As soon as you find it, a new boss relic will become available to you.

This way, your arsenal will be augmented by 4 powerful boss relics.
Mother's Relics
Acquiring the last two relics requires completing the following chain of actions:
- Trade God Tears for the Amulet of Light and the Amulet of Darkness with ??? Mystic Seller. He is available after completing the main plot of the game.
- Choose two useless followers (you will lose them forever) and give them these two amulets.
- Perform sacrifice rituals and sacrifice them. As a result, you will get two new followers: Baal and Aym. You have already met them in the final battle with the main boss.
- Turn both into demons using the summoning circle and go on a crusade with them.
- Find a room with a cat merchant on the dungeon map and enter it.
That's it! Wait for the end of the monologue and receive a relic for each son of Forneus. In addition, you will receive the Mother’s Love achievement!
All Relics
The list of relics is presented in the order in which they appear in the game.
Descriptions of the relics will be periodically updated and adjusted.
Orbiting eye that damages enemies on contact.
Deal damage to all enemies based on the amount of Tarot Cards you hold. Chance to gain blue hearts.
Deal damage to all enemies based on the amount of Tarot Cards you hold. Chance to gain diseased hearts.
Deal damage to all enemies based on the amount of Tarot Cards you hold.
Increase in size.
50% chance to become invincible for 10 seconds, 50% chance to gain a blue heart.
50% chance to gain a diseased heart, 50% chance to deal damage to all enemies.
50% chance to heal a heart, 50% chance to gain a spirit heart.
Instantly refill your Fervour.
Freeze all active enemies.
Orbiting eye that freezes enemies on contact.
Freezes time for a short duration.
8 seconds of invincibility.
Converts your blue hearts into spirit hearts.
Converts your blue hearts into double the amount of diseased hearts.
Increases attack damage for 10 seconds.
Rain down a storm of lightning with a chance to drop blue hearts.
Rain down a storm of lightning with a chance to drop diseased hearts.
Rain down a storm of lightning.
Poisons all active enemies.
Orbiting eye that poisons enemies on contact.
Fires three projectiles for every Tarot Card you have.
Turns a random enemy into a critter.
Summons a new Curse with an increased level.
Summons a new Weapon with an increased level.
Orbiting eye that mimics any Curses cast.
Decrease in size.
Spawns bombs around the room.
Summons an undead Follower who attacks alongside you.
Chance for dead bodies to reanimate and fight alongside you.
Summon two demons instantly.
Summons one powerful demon instantly.
Summons a demon instantly.
Spawn a tentacle that inflicts damage when touched.
Uses a random Blessed Relic.
Uses a random Damned Relic.
Uses a random Relic.