Black Reliquary Curio Interactions (Darkest Dungeon Mod)
All effects and loot tables for Treasury, Catacombs, Caverns and Exposed Interior curios (60 curios in total).
Updated by Single Player in Darkest Dungeon
The Black Reliquary is an overhaul modification for Darkest Dungeon.
Curios in The Black Reliquary are quite intuitive to interact with, but if you want to know all the loot tables and compare results - the list below will help you.
The list is targeted at Apprentice (level 1) dungeons. You'll get more relics and currency from curio interaction in Veteran (level 3) and Champion (level 5) level Dungeons.
There were many fixes in the latest Black Reliquary update on March 31. The log shows these curio changes:
- Torch Corpse Stress Healing reduced to 8 (body bag + the EI corpses)
- Stress Heal from Cleansing Salt interaction on the Kvarotz Altar lowered to 15
- Pillory Hand Stress Heal reduced to -15
- Ancient Cannon Honing Oil Ranged DMG buff reduced to +15%
- Ancient Armory Honing Oil Melee DMG buff reduced to +15%
- Kvarotz Altar Alum DMG buff reduced to +15%
- Electrum Scraps Honing Oil PROT buff reduced to +15%, added -5% Crits Received buff
- Waxen Penitent Alum DMG buff reduced to +15%
- Waxen Penitent Salts Healing Rec buff reduced to +15%
- Confessor's Toolkit CRT buff reduced to +10%
- Steelpath Cache AP buff reduced to +15%
- Added Arch Kit interaction to Forgone Coffin, removed shovel interaction
- Replaced Cleansing Salt interaction on Encrusted Sarcophagus with a Torch interaction
- Steelpath War Cache Laudanum Stress Heal reduced to -15
- Primitive Cave Carving Hand Stress Heal reduced to -30
- Primitive Cave Carving Shovel Stress Heal reduced to -20
- Poison Peddler Cleansing Salt Group Stress Heal reduced from to -13
These interactions added to the curio list.
Rare Curios
These curios, alongside Treasure curios, were added in Black Reliquary in its latest update.
The spirit of a great king wells around this blade.
Don't be surprised if you haven't seen this curio before - the chance of its appearance is extremely low - only a 0.5% chance to find it instead of other room curios in Exposed Interior.
The trinket that you are guaranteed to get is quite interesting - it increases your damage by 5% with each hit and this buff stays for 14 turns.
Bare hands:
- Runic Blade (Reliquary's Spoils rarity trinket)
VENDOR: The menacing figure seeks proof of your accomplishments.
The Slayer rewards you with Chthonic Scraps for any boss trinket or item. You'll get the valuable trinket/item back along with the reward.
Chthonic Scraps is a consumable that can be used on a hero to boosts his Resolve XP gain by 400%. This buff usully advances a hero from Apprentice to Veteran or from Veteran to Champion in just one mission. You don’t need to use all the scraps immediately - they are retained after a mission and can be taken on the next expedition whenever you find it convenient.
The pitiful downside of this curio is that it is extremely rare - there's only a 1% chance of encountering it in Catacombs Vendor rooms instead of other vendors. Perhaps this will change in the future.
Veteral Boss Trinkets (any of 8):
- 4 scraps
Champion Boss Trinkets (any of 8):
- 6 scraps
Ghoul Mother Trinkets (any of 2):
- 6 scraps
Sand Charmer Items:
- 2/3/4 scraps depending on the dungeon level
Kvarotz Otekh:
- 2/3/4 scraps depending on dungeon level
Yngolian Trinkets:
- 3/5/6/8/12 scraps depending on the trinket level
Relic (any of 4 types):
- 1 scrap
So much amber!

Amber Mother Lode is pretty straightforward - that's a lotta Amber. Finding the curio is the tricky part - it has only a 0.5% chance to spawn in Caverns Curio rooms.
Bare hands:
- 40-86 Amber
The mythical fruit is plucked!

The apple-looking fruit will unveil the secrets of longevity for one hero - his healing received will increase by 25%, with health regeneration after a critical heal. It's a useful quirk for defensive classes.
Just like the previous curios, it's a rare find - there's only a 0.5% chance of coming across it in Treasury Curio rooms.
Bare hands:
- Panacaeic Fruit
Common Curios
Curios found within all regions.
A disturbing implement of the Lost Legion.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [25%]
- +40 Stress [50%]
- Purge Negative quirk [25%]
- +35% Virtue Chance Buff (4 battles)
Honing Oil:
- +10% Critical (4 battles)
Skeleton Key:
- Purge Negative quirk
Lovely flowers which seem to thrive in amber.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [10%]
- Dune Lily [10%]
- -20 Stress [50%]
- Fatigue Disease [20%]
- Random Disease [10%]
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
- Dune Lily
Honing Oil:
- 8 Blight (3 rounds)
- 2 Amber or Amber Residue x2
A site of sinister rituals...

Bare hands:
- Nothing [40%]
- +20% Damage (4 battles), +5% Critical (4 battles) [40%]
- Random Disease [20%]
Alum Censer:
- +15% Damage (4 battles), +5% Critical (4 battles)
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric x3
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- Archaeomania Negative Quirk
Cleansing Salt:
- -20 Stress, Restore 20% Health
- -15 Stress
A stone slab containing dark Kvarotz knowledge.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [30%]
- Current region Adventurer quirk [10%]
- Current region Explorer quirk [10%]
- Current region Tactician quirk [10%]
- Map reveal [40%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 2-6 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- Current region Adventurer quirk [33%]
- Current region Explorer quirk [33%]
- Current region Scrounger quirk [33%]
- -5 Health, +15 Stress
Leftover pottery from a Kvarotz dynasty.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [50%]
- Gold or Gems x2 [50%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 2-6 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit
- Kvarotz Daric or Gems x3
- 3-4 Matakh
- Gold or Gems x3
- Gem
An ancient stone container. It is locked.

Bare hands:
- 4-12 Kvarotz Daric
Skeleton Key:
- Gems or Relics x2
- 2-6 Kvarotz Daric
This alchemist is offering a trinket which he claims can be evolved at a later time.

Bare hands:
- Inconspicuous Cactus (Treasury)
- Seed-Shell (Caverns)
- Strange Hatchet (Catacombs)
- Sturdy Hood (Exposed Interior)
Any of Perfumer's trinkets:
- +1 Trinket Level
This person seems to have died in this pose...

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- -20 Stress [40%]
- +25 Stress [40%]
Alum Censer:
- +15% Damage Buff (4 battles)
Cleansing Salt:
- +10% PROT (4 battles)
- +15% Healing Received Buff (4 battles)
- +25 Stress
- -15% Stress Received Buff (4 battles)
An otherworldly force flows from this object, demanding ignition.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [100%]
- Summon Yngolian
Yngolian trinket:
- +1 Yngolian Trinket Level
Catacombs Curios
Curios found within the Catacombs.
This stone is coated with amber formations.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- 2 Amber [40%]
- -20% Damage Debuff (4 battles) [40%]
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
- 2 Amber
- -15% Damage Debuff (4 battles)
- +10% Damage Taken Debuff (4 battles)
Wicked weapons of a forgotten era.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- Catacombs Adventurer quirk [20%]
- Catacombs Tactician quirk
- The Sweats Symptom [40%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- Random Trinket
Honing Oil:
- +15% Melee Damage (4 battles)
- +5% Melee Critical (4 battles)
- Random Disease
A dust-coated Kvarotz weapon of war.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [30%]
- +15% Ranged Damage (4 battles) [40%]
- The Sweats Symptom [30%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- Gold or Gems x3
- 6-8 Matakh
Honing Oil:
- +15% Ranged Damage buff (4 battles)
- +5% Ranged Critical buff (4 battles)
- Spawn a fight with Levantines
A heap of wrecked Kvarotz technology.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- 3-4 Matakh [40%]
- 8 Bleed (3 turns) [40%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- 6-8 Matakh
- Random Trinket
- 6-8 Matakh
Honing Oil:
- +15% PROT (4 battles)
- -5% Crit Received Buff (4 battles)
A sarcophagus untouched for centuries.

Bare hands:
- Gems x2 [40%]
- +20 Stress [36%]
- Catacombs Phobe quirk [12%]
- Catacombs Meanderer quirk [12%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 5-15 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- Gems x2
- 4-12 Kvarotz Daric
- 3-4 Matakh
- Gem
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric
- +20 Stress
- -15% Virtue Chance debuff (4 battles)
An ornate coffin for a member of the Kvarotz upper class.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [19%]
- Bandages [1%]
- +20 Stress [20%]
- Catacombs Phobe quirk [12%]
- Catacombs Meanderer quirk [8%]
- Random Disease [40%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 4-12 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Archaeology Kit:
- 4-12 Kvarotz Daric
- 2-4 Bandages
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric
- 2-4 Bandages
VENDOR: It seems to only take currency from the Kvarotz era...

Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 5-15 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
Matakh Relic:
- Random Trinkets x2
VENDOR: The Levantine defector offers riches in exchange for supplies.

Food, Laudanum, Torch:
- Gold or Gems x2
Alum Censer, Honing Oil, Skeleton Key:
- Gold or Gems or Trinkets x2
Antivenom, Bandage, Cleansing Salt:
- Gold or Gems or Trinkets x2
Archaeology Kit, Disease Kit, Firewood:
- Gold or Gems or Trinkets x3
Dog Treats:
- -25 Stress
- Gold or Gems or Trinkets x2
Some abandoned Levantine equipment.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [40%]
- Gold x3 [15%]
- Supply items x5 [25%]
- Scouting [20%]
Skeleton Key:
- Gold x3
- Supply items x5
- +5 Stress
Charts and correspondance left behind by the Levantine.

Bare hands:
- +20% Damage vs Levantine (4 battles) [20%]
- Catacombs Scrounger quirk [10%]
- Catacombs Tactician quirk [10%]
- Scouting [60%]
Archaeology Kit:
- Catacombs Scrounger quirk
- -50% Party Surprised buff (4 battles)
- +4 Speed if any enemy is Levantine
Exposed Interior Curios
Curios found within the Exposed Interior.
This slain cactonid has been left to fester.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- 4 Salvaged Jewelry [30%]
- 6 Blight (3 turns) [20%]
- Random Disease [30%]
- Gold or Gems x4, 2 Salvaged Jewelry
Disease Kit:
- Gold or Gems x5, 4 Salvaged Jewelry
- 6 Blight (3 turns)
- -8 Stress
This wurm is a wildlander trophy now.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- 2 Amber [30%]
- 6 Bleed (3 turns) [20%]
- Random Disease [30%]
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
- 3 Amber
Disease Kit:
- 2 Amber
- Gold or Gems x5
- +20 Stress
- -8 Stress
Horrific cruelties were inflicted upon this soldier.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- Gold x2 [30%]
- Horror (5 turns) [20%]
- Random Disease [30%]
- Gold or Gems x4
- 2 Matakh
Disease Kit:
- Gold or Gems x5
- 3-4 Matakh
- -20 Stress
- -8 Stress
VENDOR: The researcher inquires about any relics you may have.

- Gold or Gems x3
- Archaeologist's Compendium [2%] or Nothing [98%]
- Gold or Gems x2
- 11-17 Lost Tek
Salvaged Jewelry:
- Archaeologist's Compendium [2%] or Nothing [98%]
- Gold or Gems x2
- 11-17 Lost Tek
Valor Mark:
- Archaeologist's Compendium [2%] or Nothing [98%]
- Gold or Gem
- 8-12 Lost Tek
The severed heads of the Legion are put on a chilling display.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [25%]
- Horror (5 turns) [25%]
- Thanatophobia negative quirk [25%]
- Random disease [25%]
Cleansing Salt:
- +35% Virtue Chance Buff (4 battles)
- Purge negative quirk
- -20 stress
- -8 stress
The cookware contains a strange, virile brew.

Bare hands:
- Half-Cooked Hand (Reliquary's Spoils rarity trinket) [1%]
- Restore 20% Health (Party) [59.5%]
- Random Disease (Party) [39.5%]
- 2-8 Food x2
Disease Kit:
- Restore 20% Health (Party)
Honing Oil:
- 4 Blight (3 rounds, Party)
- +15 Stress
Pagan effigies made from Kvarotz scrap metal.

Bare hands:
- Interior Explorer quirk [25%]
- +15% Bleed Resist (Party, 4 battles) [25%]
- +15% Blight Resist (Party, 4 battles), +15% Disease Resist (Party, 4 battles [25%]
- Purge Negative quirk [25%]
Alum Censer:
- Interior Explorer positive quirk [33%]
- Interior Scrounger positive quirk [33%]
- Interior Tactician positive quirk [33%]
- +15% Blight Resist (Party, 4 battles)
- +15% Disease Resist (Party, 4 battles)
- +15% Bleed Resistance (Party, 4 battles)
Cleansing Salt:
- Purge Negative quirk
- Camping without Ambush
Honing Oil:
- +10% Damage (Party, 4 battles)
- +5% Critical (Party, 4 battles)
- -20 Stress
An assortment of Wildlander weapons and trophies.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [19%]
- Knightly Escutcheon Trinket [1%]
- Interior Tactician quirk [25%]
- +15% Damage (4 battles) [10%]
- 6 Bleed (3 rounds) [25%]
- Fatigue Disease [20%]
Archaeology Kit:
- Interior Scrounger quirk [33%]
- Interior Tactician quirk [33%]
- Interior Explorer quirk [33%]
- +15% Damage (4 battles)
Honing Oil:
- +15% Armor Piercing (4 battles), +5% Critical (4 battles)
- -15 Stress
There is a strange aura around this skull.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [10%]
- Interior Adventurer quirk [50%]
- Interior Phobe quirk [40%]
Alum Censer:
- Interior Adventurer quirk [50%]
- Interior Scrounger quirk [50%]
- Gold or Gems x4
Archaeology Kit:
- +50 Stress
A brutal sacrifice has been made to the matron.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [30%]
- Interior Meanderer quirk [25%]
- Necrophobe quirk [20%]
- Interior Phobe quirk [25%]
Alum Censer:
- Interior Phobe quirk [50%]
- Interior Meanderer quirk [50%]
- Gold or Gems x3
- 2 Valor Mark
Disease Kit:
- Gold or Gems x3
- 6 Valor Mark
- -20 Stress
- -8 Stress
This man has been left to suffer.

Bare hands
- -15 Stress [80%]
- Spawn a fight with Wildlanders [20%]
- Spawn a fight with Wildlanders
Skeleton Key:
- -20 Stress
- +30 Stress (Party)
VENDOR: Strange Wildlander locks require an equally strange key...

Valor Mark Relic:
- Random Relics x2
Caverns Curios
Curios found within the Caverns.
VENDOR: The man seems to be intentionally covered in slime and asks if you have anything pertaining to amber.

- 8-12 Lost Tek
- Gold or Gems x2
- Gem
Amber Residue:
- 5-7 Lost Tek
- Gold or Gem
Dune Lily:
- 8-12 Lost Tek or Trinket
- Gold or Gems x2
Refined Amber Dust:
- 11-17 Lost Tek
- Gold or Gems x3
- Gems x3
Reflex Serum:
- 8-12 Lost Tek
- Gold or Gems x3
- Gems x2
This ward seems particularly overburdened with amber formations.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- Amber x3 [40%]
- -20% Damage (4 battles) [40%]
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
- 3 Amber
- -15% Damage debuff (4 battles)
- +10% Damage Taken debuff (4 battles)
Rotting corpses are being used as "fertile soil" for shards of amber.

Bare hands:
- 3 Amber [50%]
- +30 Stress [12.5%]
- Amber Hoarder quirk
- Random Disease [25%]
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
- 3 Amber
Disease Kit:
- 6 Amber
- Gold or Gems x4
- 3 Amber
- Gold or Gems x4
The cold remains of a fallen dredge unit.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [10%]
- Gold or Gems x3 [15%]
- +25 Stress [25%]
- Scouting [50%]
Archaeology Kit:
- +25% Scouting (4 battles)
- 6-10 Lost Tek
Skeleton Key:
- Gold or Gems x3
- Supply item
- +10 Stress
A hand-crafted effigy stands atop a gruesome altar.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [14%]
- Caverns Explorer quirk [27%]
- Catacombs Meanderer quirk
- +30 Stress [27%]
- Random Disease [5%]
Alum Censer:
- Cure Symptom or Disease
- +15% Damage (4 battles)
- +5% Critical (4 battles)
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
Archaeology Kit:
- Caverns Phobe Negative quirk
- 3 Amber
Cleansing Salt:
- Purge Negative quirk
- -25% Stress Received Buff (4 battles)
A shrine has been fashioned from an ancient worm tooth.

Bare hands:
- -25% Stress Received Buff (4 battles) [25%]
- +25 Stress [25%]
- +25% Stress Received Debuff (4 battles) [25%]
- Purge Negative quirk [25%]
Alum Censer:
- Cure Disease
Cleansing Salt:
- Purge Negative quirk
- -25% Stress Received Buff (4 battles)
- -25 Stress
The wrappings bear the Flameseeker sigil...

Bare hands:
- Nothing [30%]
- Gold or Relics x3 [30%]
- +12 Stress and Horror (5 turns) [20%]
- Random Disease [20%]
- Gold or Relics
- Gem or Trinket
Disease Kit:
- Gold or Relics x3
- Gem or Trinket
Archaeology Kit:
- +12 Stress and Horror (5 turns)
- -20 Stress
- -8 Stress
Kvarotz refuse is glued together by Trog secretions.

Bare hands:
- Nothing [20%]
- Gold or Gems x3 [40%]
- 6 Blight (3 rounds) [20%]
- Random Disease [20%]
Archaeologist's Compendium:
- 3-9 Kvarotz Daric
- Archaeologist's Compendium
- Gold or Gems x2
- 3-4 Matakh
Disease Kit:
- Gold or Gem x2 ???
- Trinket
- Random Disease
Pure, raw amber flows like molten glass.

Bare hands:
- Amber x2 and Amber Residue [50%]
- -15% Damage (4 battles), -10 Dodge (4 battles) [25%]
- Random Disease [25%]
Amber Extraction Kit:
- 3-4 Amber
- Amber Extraction Kit
- Reliquary's Spoils Trinket [2%] or Nothing [98%]
- Amber x2
- Amber Residue
- Reliquary's Spoils Trinket [2%] or Nothing [98%]
Cleansing Salt
- Restore 10% Health (Party)
These crude etchings depict perhaps a dark prophecy.

Bare hands:
- Caverns Adventurer quirk [50%]
- Caverns Phobe quirk [25%]
- -30 Stress [25%]
Alum Censer:
- +20% Damage vs Troglodyte (4 battles)
Archaeology Kit:
- Caverns Phobe quirk
- Purge negative quirk
- -20 Stress
A Troglodyte's personal dwelling, covered with the skulls of trespassers.

Bare hands:
- 3 Amber and 2 Gems [50%]
- Spawn a fight with Troglodytes [50%]
- Amber x2
- Gem
- Spawn a fight with Troglodytes
VENDOR: This Troglodyte is gesturing to an open bag of gems with room for more.

Gem (Dune Lily, Citrine, Jade, Onyx, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby):
- Amber Extraction Kit (low chance)
- Amber Compass Trinket (low chance)
- Amber Incense Trinket (low chance)
- 3-18 Amber (high chance)
- 4-22 Refined Amber Dust (high chance)
Gem (Onyx, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby):
- One of 5 items from a list above
- Contraband Rarity Trinket (very low chance)
Gem (Dune Lily):
- One of 5 items from a list above
- Gold or Gems x2
Treasury Curios
Curios found within the Treasury.
Vines stretch down from high above.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Verterephile
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Verterephile
Honing Oil:
- 5 Bleed (3 turns)
- Summon Cactonid Hemophyll with Accuracy and Dodge debuffs
Tiny crimson flowers are budding from parts of this skeleton.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Necrobiote
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Necrobiote
Cleansing Salt:
- -20 Stress
- Summon Cactonid Necrobiote with Damage Taken and Dodge debuffs
This pile of gleaming treasure is yours for the taking.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Aspiciac
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Aspiciac
Archaeology Kit:
- Gold or Gems x4
- Gem
- Salvaged Jewelry
Disease Kit:
- Summon Cactonid Aspiciac with Healing buff
Dog Treats:
- Summon Cactonid Aspiciac with Accuracy and Damage buffs
She and her follower have come looking for dark treasures.

Totem of Wails:
- 4-5 Citrine
- Gold or Trinket x3
Profane Tablet:
- 4-5 Jade
- Gold or Trinket x3
Gemini Sacrificer:
- 4-5 Onyx
- Gold or Trinket x3
Umbral Rosary:
- 4-5 Emerald
- Gold or Trinket x4
Corona of Torment:
- 4-5 Sapphire
- Gold or Trinket x4
Marbled Sun:
- 4-5 Ruby
- Gold or Trinket x5
A cadaver has been subsumed by plantlife.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Hominid Duplicant
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Hominid Duplicant
- Summon Cactonid Hominid Duplicant with Healing debuff
VENDOR: The drink maker offers to prepare some beverages in exchange for ingredients.

- +25% Blight Resist (Party, 4 battles)
- +15% Healing Received Buff (Party, 4 battles)
Cleansing Salt:
- -13 Stress (Party)
Disease Kit:
- +15% Disease Resist (Party, 4 battles)
Ginseng Powder:
- +10% Bleed Resist (Party, 4 battles)
- +10% Blight Resist (Party, 4 battles)
- +10% Debuff Resist (Party, 4 battles)
Honing Oil:
- +20% Armor Piercing (Party, 4 battles)
- -25% Stress Received Buff (Party, 4 battles)
Reflex Serum:
- +15% Damage if HP below 50% (Party, 4 battles)
- +4 Speed (Party, 4 battles)
Salvaged Jewelry:
- Restore 15% Health (Party)
A stationary mass of plant life.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Hemophyll
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Hemophyll
- Summon Cactonid Hemophyll with Poison and Bleed debuffs
- 6 Blight (3 turns)
An ancient stone container. It is locked.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Arcanoid
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Arcanoid
- Summon Cactonid Arcanoid with Speed debuff
Skeleton Key
- 3 Bleed (3 turns)
- Summon Cactonid Arcanoid
Eerie protrusions and liquids cover the plant.

Bare hands:
- Summon Cactonid Savage Duplicant
Alum Censer:
- Summon Maligned Savage Duplicant
Disease Kit:
- -8 Stress (Party)
- Restore 15% Health (Party)
- Summon Cactonid Savage Duplicant with Crit and Damage buffs