Little Nightmares 2: All 12 Hats Locations
The hats in Little Nightmares 2 are needed for several achievements or could be worn just to make main character Mono look better. In this guide, I'll show how to get all of them.
Updated by Single Player in
Paper Bag and Mokujin Hat
Mono starts out with the Paper Bag Hat. The Mokujin Hat will be in inventory for players who pre-ordered the game.
Hunter's Hat
This hat is located inside the first house of Chapter 1 - Wilderness. After leaving the kitchen, head down the hallway and go to the room on the left to find the hat in the center.

Nome's Hat
After collecting the key in the attic, a small gnome will appear wearing the hat. Follow him and complete the puzzles to get the hat as a reward.
The Nome's hat is part of Nome’s Attic DLC and you don't need it for any in-game achievement.
Rain Hat
After your first encounter with the Hunter and crossing a broken bridge, you will come across a stack of boxes and a cage hanged on a tree. Climb the boxes and jump on the cage several times to make it drop on the ground and break its door, so you can get the Yellow Rain Hat from inside.

Football Hat
At the start of Chapter 2 - School, you will find the Soccer Ball Mask on a dumpster next to the school's main entrance.

Tin Can Hat
The next hat is found in the school library. You must move the ladder to reach the Tin Can Hat on a bookshelf.

Bear Hat
The first hat in Chapter 3 - Hospital is in the hospital playroom, next to the room with the x-ray machine. The Teddy Bear Hat is located on top of the bookshelf.

Bandage Hat
After you encounter the doctor the first time, you need to get the key from the morgue. Inside one of the locked storage containers, the Bandage Wrap Hat is found.

Postman Hat
The first hat in Chapter 4 - Pale City is easy to miss. When you enter a mail room, there is a hidden tunnel in the lower area, close to a pile of envelopes. There you will find the Postman Hat.

Flat Cap
The final discoverable hat is in the toy store. In order to reach the Flat Cap, you need to move the shopping cart and get onto the top shelves.

Thin Man's Hat
You get the final hat after completing the game.