5 Ways to Use Lureplant Efficiently in Don't Starve Together
While causing almost no harm, Lureplants help in every area of survival: they can harvest crops, attack and distract enemies, protect a base from fire and even help killing bosses.
Updated by JazzyStarves in Don't Starve Together
Food Source

Leafy Meat isn't too bad as a food source - Cooked Leafy Meat gives 18 hunger points without any penalty.
You can trade green meat for 1 egg with a bird or for 1 gold nugget with a Pig King.
But Leafy Meat works even better as a crockpot ingredient. There are 4 recipes requiring Leafy Meat, one of them - Jelly Salad is the best sanity-restoring food (it gives 50 sanity). You can also use green meat as a meat ingredient for Meaty Stew, Honey Ham, or Bacon and Eggs. Just don't put 2 into a crockpot, because that will result in a punishment dish.
Trash Can

Tired of low percentage tools and weapons lying around your base? Or do you have more rot than you would ever need? Then you have to figure out ways to recycle, as there is no "Delete" button in Don't Starve.
One of the best ways to delete any item is to use Lureplant. Plant a Meat Bulb somewhere near your base and wait until Eyeplants start to spawn. Then drop your disposables, recyclables, and compostables to let Lureplant digest these items.

Eyeplants do only 20 damage, but because of their large numbers and constant respawn, they can help in a critical situation. They are good against bees (eyeplants consume bees instantly) and spiders (eyeplants stunlock spiders).
They can distract and kill hounds, but that is not a reliable way during Summer and Autumn, because any Red Hound will ignite a Meat Bulb on death.
Summer Proof

Lureplants are highly flammable and we can use this attribute to protect our base from wildfires during summer.
If there is a Lureplant within range of the player, Meat Bulb always would be the first to smolder. Lureplants placed within range of an Ice Flingomatic could effectively increase protection area up to four times.
Crop Farms

One unique mechanic about the Eyeplants is that they can bite off grass and twigs from nearby crops. This makes Lureplants one of the fastest methods for harvesting crops. A single patch of Eyeplants can clear over a hundred crops in a matter of seconds. Defeating the Meat Bulb will cause all the harvested crops to fall onto the ground, already conveniently stacked for you.